Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Goodbye 2030!

So, its almost time. The movers will be here at any minute and this will be our last night in the house, which is, technically, no longer ours. I am having some real mixed emotions about it.

2030 Lyon Street has been home for almost 14 years, the longest that we've ever lived in one place. It is a wonderful house and has been a wonderful home. We've had so many good times here. At the beginning of our lives in San Francisco, I couldn't bear the thought of holiday dinners with just the four of us, it always seemed too sad and forlorn, so we began to invite friends and our dinners turned into feasts for, sometimes, up to 20 people or more. We had the most wonderful parties in this house and drank some of the best wine in the world here, a lot of the best wine in the world, in fact, as many of you know.
When Alfia and Salvi were in school, our house was the one where all of the kids would hang out. I remember one day when we had over 30 kids for lunch. I would have to shop at Costco twice a week just to keep up with their voracious appetites. I loved every minute of it.

Once both girls were gone and they stopped coming back here for vacations, 2030 began to lose its luster for me. I opened Divine Girls to try and fill the void, and it worked for a little while, but the truth was, and there was no denying it, I missed my girls. They are truly my "divine girls" and life with them 3000 miles away, just wasn't any fun. We still had the parties and the dinners, but it wasn't the same anymore. It was time to go home.

And, so home we are going tomorrow, with a few stops along the way.
2030 Lyon Street will always have a special place in my heart as will all of the friends I've made here. No, I won't "leave my heart in San Francisco" because my heart will always be with Al and Sal, but I will leave with a heart and a mind filled with memories of a wonderful 14 years in my adopted home.


  1. I love you Mommy...and this actually did make me cry.

  2. Was sad to say goodbye to you today, I will miss you being "around" the block. I am glad I could contribute a sleep sack for Guy, the muslin will hopefully keep the bedbugs at bay...
    xoxo susie

  3. great post Maria...I have tears in my eyes. You are definitely where you should be!

